Category Archives: Fall

The True Cost of Not Enforcing Employee Ice Safety

icy signWith summer in the air, it’s easy to forget about the safety protocols involved when working in icy environments. But ice safety should be a year round concern for employers, especially when considering the true cost of not enforcing safety measures such as wearing ice cleats. This is because ice is a leading cause of slip-and-fall accidents in winter, and slip-and-fall accidents themselves make up a large percentage of annual worker compensation claims. In fact, here are some eye-opening statistics about slip, trip, and fall type incidents from the US Department of Labor and OSHA:

  • Make up approximately 25% of all general industry accidents
  • Account for more than 95 million lost work days annually
  • Trigger 15% of all accidental workplace deaths (second only to motor vehicle accidents)
  • Are the leading cause of accidents in restaurants, hotels, and public buildings
  • Result in more than $1.8 billion worth of worker’s compensation claims each year
  • Are a contributing factor in steeply rising insurance rates (currently averaging 30% per annum)

These costs, both in terms of real money and lost productivity, show why it’s important for business owners to stay on top of ice safety enforcement even in the warmer months. Things to do now include updating safety posters and reminders in break rooms and locker rooms; reviewing disciplinary procedures for employees that fail to wear ice cleats when required; inspecting stored ice cleats to ensure the storage environment is holding up well; and visiting CozyWinters to order new equipment for recent hires.

Once your employees realize how serious you are about enforcing ice safety they will begin following the rules more diligently, so it’s in everyone’s best interest to keep the conversation going year round.


5 Best Things About Fall

fall_leaves_1_Gorgeous foliage. An end to stifling heat and humidity. Pumpkin spice everything. The approach of the holidays. There are so many great things about fall that it was difficult to limit ourselves to the five we love best, but here’s what we came up with:

The weather
Daytime temps are perfect for most every kind of outdoor activity imaginable, from hiking and picnicking to biking, flying kites, and exploring new neighborhoods on foot. Meanwhile, cooler nighttime temperatures yield ideal sleeping weather, particularly with the aid of a heated blanket later in the season.


College and pro football
Let’s face it: baseball hasn’t been “America’s pastime” for at least a decade now. These days, it’s all about college and pro football, so whether you prefer partying with a huge crowd in the student section at a university stadium or cheering on your hometown NFL team from the comfort of your La-Z-Boy, you’ll rejoice in the fact that football is back.


New TV shows
It’s finally time to bid farewell to the perpetual reruns and terrible reality shows that make up the bulk of summer television programming. Fall marks the return of regular cable and network TV schedules, which means fresh episodes of your favorite sitcoms and dramas, as well as a whole slew of new series to get addicted to.


Flattering clothes
Keeping fit enough for a typically revealing summer wardrobe is hard work, which is why most of us feel a great sense of relief when we can start wearing blazers, sweaters, and other clothes that hide our imperfections while still presenting a flattering appearance.


Winter is getting closer
Winter is obviously our favorite season, so perhaps the very best part of fall for us is the fact that we’re a couple months closer to long weekends of winter sports and activities in our heated vests, battery-heated gloves, and boot warmers.


This list covers a mere handful of the many benefits and pleasures associated with fall. As you enjoy what the season has to offer, don’t forget that now is the time to start gearing up for winter. We recommend stocking up on heated clothing and related accessories right now to ensure you’re ready for the cold and snow that’s just around the corner.